Moskito Care 14hr Moisturizing Insect Repellent
14시간 동안 피부를 촉촉히 해주면서 모기물림 방지도 해주는 신개념의 모스키토 케어로션입니다. 편리하게 스프레이식으로 뿌리는 제품이며 물과 땀에도 끄떡 없는 제품이라 물놀이시에도 유용한 제품입니다. 부드럽게 발리며 향기또한 아주 좋습니다. 아이, 노약자, 임산부 등에도 안전한 제품입니다.
Moskito Care provides 14-hour protection for you to enjoy the outdoors, itch-free. Our unique ingredients moisturize your skin with a great scent. Water-resistant, family-friendly, and skin-friendly! • Moisturizes & Protects the Skin: Its application is comfortable without oily, greasy or sticky effects and is suitable for the face (avoiding eyes and lips) and body. Light and pleasant fragrance. • Safe & Cosmetic Formulation: Non-irritating, non-photosensitizing, it is suitable for all skin types, including the most sensitive. The Moskito Care lotion is based on Picaridin, a molecule recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Paraben-free. Without solvents and alcohol, non -flammable. Deet-free! Moskito Care is a safe repellent for young children and pregnant or nursing women (after consultation with a doctor). • Water-resistant: its water based formulation offers total respect for the skin and resists sweat & water!
Made in United States